
If you train with negative reinforcement (more commonly known as pressure and release), then at some point you may have to escalate your aversive stimuli. If the horse does not comply with the first request from a soft feel on the rope or a finger wag, then what do you do? 

Think about how you react in these situations. 

How does the horse feel and react? Does he ever have a choice?

Well timed negative reinforcement works, but at what cost to our relationship? Does your horse stay because he enjoys the relief of the pressure, or does he do as you ask to avoid pressure in the first place? Is he too worried to not comply – for fear of the escalation of the aversive stimuli?

Is he watching your every move to assess whether an aversive stimulus will be added, watching for clues so he can avoid them? If you work at liberty what do you do if the horse leaves? What happens if you don’t carry a whip, rope or stick?

Think about everything you do with your horse, only the horse knows if something is aversive or how aversive the stimuli may be.